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How to reach a Gen Z audience the right way

Ah, to be young and clueless. Don’t you miss those days? The sun would shine bright while you played outside until the streetlights came on. But nowadays, the younger generation, or Gen Z as they’re known, are far from clueless. And they don’t need to wait for streetlights because they’re in front of blue light the whole day.

Table of Contents

Why you should be attracting Gen Z customers
Will traditional marketing work with Gen Z?
What’s the best way to engage Gen Z consumers?
Keeping up with Gen Z

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These digital natives are creating a new perspective on society with their progressive ideas and beliefs. This might make them seem like an intimidating bunch to market to, but the best and easiest way to do it is to understand them and their needs. Gen Z is said to have over $140 billion worth of spending power so it’s worth including them in your marketing strategies to win their dollars. How do you do that? Let’s take a look.

Why you should be attracting Gen Z customers

Gen Z are people born between 1997 and 2012. They make up 20% of Australia’s population and 30% of the world’s population so it should come as no surprise that they’re the largest generation ever. Gen Z’s also happen to be the first generation that grew up with technology as part of their lives from the beginning. This has moulded them into a media-savvy group that challenges traditional commercial interruptions.

Gen Z’s are the consumers of tomorrow. This means it’s valuable to look ahead at how you can secure them as they start gaining the majority of purchasing power. And you’ll definitely want a taste of what’s to come since Gen Z’s are already spending $44 billion on themselves a year and they make up 40% of global consumers.

Will traditional marketing work with Gen Z?

Traditional marketing won’t necessarily work with Gen Z. We all spend most of our time and conduct most of our business or activities online, but this is even more so the case with Gen Z. And because of that, Gen Z are more likely to consume content online. They flock to social media where content is abundant and varied. This makes their consumption patterns different to the traditional so marketers have to adjust their strategies to be able to engage with them.

What’s the best way to engage Gen Z consumers?

1. Be authentic

Gen Z’s are looking for realism in a world that has been so focused on selling a dream. And because they have all the information they could need at the tip of their fingers, literally, it’s easy for them to see through any smoke and mirrors in your marketing. 88% of consumers say that authenticity is important when they’re deciding on which brands to support. Focus on being authentic in your interactions with them. So when you’re replying to feedback, for example, go with an organic reply rather than something templated. This will show that there is a person behind the brand and that they are willing to treat you as a person too, not just a consumer. 

2. Work to gain their trust

Brand trust is a vital factor many consumers take into consideration when they want to make a purchase. If they trust you, they’re going to want to support you time and time again. But how do you do that? You empower them with content that will help them make an informed decision. You also want to be transparent and accountable. As previously mentioned, Gen Z’s can do extensive research quite easily so it wouldn’t be hard for them to find out if you’re not upholding the same standards that you’ve been communicating to them. 

3. Collaborate with influencers

Influencers are the new celebrities. Back when famous names like Britney Spears and 50 Cent endorsed a brand, the public flocked to support their idols’ recommendations. But now, influencers have filled up that role. Gen Z’s look to them to have a unique mix of relatability and aspiration so when they lend access to their communities, you have a good chance of making sales and quality conversions. Finding a relevant influencer to endorse your brand can bridge the gap between you and the younger crowd. 

4. Be specific with social media

Social media isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. Each platform has its own rules and expectations. So what you post on TikTok won’t do well on Facebook. Take time to get to know who your followers are on each platform and then give them the specific content that they’re looking for. And Gen Z’s have been known to spend less time on traditional social media platforms, so you want to be as effective as possible with the little time that you have their attention. You also don’t have to have an account for every social media. If you find that one particular platform works better than others, put more eggs into that basket for a higher Return on Investment (ROI).

5. Show them you have a sense of humour

You already know that you have a short amount of time to grab Gen Z’s attention so what’s the best way to do it? Entertain them. Making your content digestible and entertaining will also make it memorable. And it’ll not only get your message across more effectively, but it will also show them that your brand has a personality. Remember, Gen Z’s are looking for authenticity.

Keeping up with Gen Z

Marketing to a younger crowd may seem like it’s a bit daunting at first. Trying to keep up with the trends while still maintaining a distinct brand voice needs a little bit of time to get right. But it isn’t impossible. To keep up with Gen Z just remember to be:

  1. Authentic
  2. Open and accountable
  3. Collaborative
  4. Aware of their preferences
  5. Entertaining

If you haven’t been able to strike the perfect balance between these then don’t be shy to call in the cavalry. We offer award-winning digital marketing services that include social media marketing strategies that will help your brand stand out from the crowd.

Posted on 12 August 2022

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